Sunday, April 8, 2012


It's been awhile since my last post. I'm not even sure if I want to continue with my blog as I'm too tired to post after an 11-12-hour day. Staring at a computer the entire day drains me, a different kind of tiredness from being on your feet. But I find it more fulfilling. I see the impact of my decisions on a different level from that of a store level and I'm learning more and more each day.

It's my 4th month with this company and I seem to handle things pretty well now. I'm no longer frustrated since I've already learned how things work and how to solve things and who to contact when I want to get things solved so now it's just a matter of doing things efficiently to have the most impact financially.

I'm still waiting for a more permanent update from work before I can blog more so can't tell much at this point.