Thursday, March 27, 2008


That's the best way to describe what's been happening in class. Barbara took over Sharon the past 3 weeks to teach us about the history of fashion. It wasn't as boring as I've expected. Barbara was like energy in motion and speech. She could talk about multiple topics in one sitting. She even brought us to the NGV and the Ian Potter Gallery and taught us to observe the fashion of the past and how they've been reinterpreted today. It was tiring but it was enlightening. Must attend other exhibits in the future. It was also fun that Barbara handled the subject because she lived through the important years and had an opinion of a lot of things. Her experiences as a buyer, retailer and lampshade designer in various times were also glimpses into what we would be facing in the future.

In patternmaking, it was draining. It's where precision is required although I had to fudge some centimeters here and there in my first pattern because I didn't get the cutting right. I liked the garment construction class better because we were just buzzing away in the industrial machines. It was fun seeing what you're creating. Hopefully, we'll soon be able to use the patterns we made in the patternmaking class in our garment construction class. I can't wait to sew my very first garment.

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