I started flicking through the pages of this book I bought sometime this January, or was it last December? It's called Vogue Fashion: Over 100 years of Style by decade and designer in association with Vogue by Linda Watson. It wasn't an impulse buy. I really went into the bookstore looking for a book that would help me understand fashion more. If that were at all possible. They didn't have a lot of choices and I was a bit lazy crossing the street to Borders where I knew (at the back of my head) they had more choices. But I was in a hurry so I chose the only book on fashion I could find. Oh! And I also searched for the book Fashion Babylon (the one mentioned by Sarah) since it piqued my curiosity. They didn't have it. So, I just bought one book.

Back home, I didn't have time to read it since there was that looming 2nd deadline I had to beat. And other things that cropped up like reading manga online and comparing prices of hotels and flights for our upcoming travel. Was there any point in linking those two? But, of course! They're both done while sitting infront of my trusty little laptop.
Fortunately, I did manage to do a bit of reading mostly done in the bathroom. Pffft! I kid you not. I have a huge stack of magazines and other reading paraphernalia in the bathroom for those times when I would just be sitting and doing my business. Eeew! Ahahahahahaha. Sorry bout that. ^_^
And what have I learned so far from reading the book? That I should've bought it last year when I had that assignment in Fashion History. This book contained everything I was required to write about in that class. And where was this book when I needed it? Hiding from me. And when I no longer needed it but just wanted it? It showed itself to me. Lovely, isn't it?
A bit of a Murphy's Law happening?
Anyway, good as this book looks, I don't think it compares to Taschen's A History from the 18th to the 20th Century. B, our Fashion History teacher last year, showed the two hardbound books and the photos of those clothes were just amazing!

Here are sample pages taken from Taschen's website (http://www.taschen.com/)

These were the only available photo pages but the photos of the fabulous clothes since the 18th century were just to die for. The intricate details were just mind boggling considering that the clothes were even done by hand.
Therefore, I told myself that someday (preferably before school starts) I'd buy myself copies of these books. The paperback editions are cheaper. ^_^

you know, i only just realized you never once talked about your interest in fashion as a serious thing when you were here. well... now i'm thinking i'll get you to design my wedding dress? haha
and yep, a lot of my reading time is done in the bathroom too... :)
weird, no? =P
i will try my very best to be a very, very good designer by then. hehe
when i have to go "potty?" hehe... kidding. my brain's fried.
i hope that time isn't too far away. :)
ahahahahahahah. funny girl.
you still on high?
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