Monday, January 11, 2010


Yey! I got myself an internship with a designer.

He's Lui Hon, a former Australia's Project Runway contestant. I had to google him to find out who he was before I went in for interview and saw his amazing drapey looks. I liked drapes not that I'm a good draper but I like the way the clothes he made just looks so comfortable.

I went in today and just started working. Just like that. A, my former classmate, who posted the intern wanted post in facebook gave me a mini tour of the studio and told me what to do. Then Lui came in and just went through some things and already asked me to do stuff. Not stuff like making him coffee but real things for me to do. I did quality control on some garments (which I will be continuing on Wednesday) then learned how to fold a soft merino wool top properly (use white tissue paper and a board - like the boards they put on shirts so it'll hold its shape), how to pack it and how to update the list (haven't done it yet). Then he asked me to cut the fabric for the toile.

I even got to chat with him and he wasn't stingy at all with his advices and while he is honest, he also looks at the positive side of things. I'm fortunate to have arrived when he's starting his next season's clothes so I get to see how things work from start to finish (hopefully I get to see the end).

I heard he can also be a bit of a yeller but I suppose that's to be expected when things get tense and deadlines are looming.

Here are some of his clothes from his collection "Little Heroes". Photos taken by Christopher Tovo.

See more images on his website


sarah said...

what an amazing opportunity

i cant wait to hear your inside stories and scandal

Driven said...

lol! thanks!

Timothy said...

congratulations and all the best to you with your internship.

Driven said...

Thanks, Tim!