Most of us did agree that the final lesson was a bit confusing. We've already done faces, hair, eyes and lips previously so why did we have to do it again. Also, C couldn't even explain how to do the "shadow" category. So, we interpreted it differently and came up with different results.
Had a chat with D on the tram and we both shared the observation that we didn't learn as much as we wanted to learn. We didn't really learn about how to render fabrics, how to translate what we see in photos or in reality into fashion drawings. I also did not appreciate getting handouts of lessons which were obviously from different books. I had expected the school to have a syllabus of its own and for the teachers to show students how to do things properly, not to rely on these handouts. Not that there's anything wrong with photocopying pages off books but those should only be supplements, an alternative on how other people do it, not the main basis of the lesson.
Anyway, I did what I could and I'm proud of some of my works. I say some since the others could do a little more work.
Here are some of my works. I should've just scanned them but it takes too much time. =)
The first drawing is a render of a dress with sequins. The second is of knit. The third is of fur and tweed.

1 comment:
We like your pictures, Shem.
Kostik & mama
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