Saturday, February 9, 2008


That's my reaction when I got the results for the 4th folio. Among all my folio works, I've done far greater work on the 4th one. However, for some reason C kept marking me down. Some of her comments were point on but some just seemed puzzling to me. I don't know whether it's because she's pushing me (that's what she said) or because I don't do things the way she taught them. I thought I was the only one who thought that way until B also gave the same sentiments. C apparently gave all of us high marks in our first folio although it was kinda crappy as we (most of us) were still finding our feet. But as we progressed, she started giving us lower scores.

I don't know whether it was because I wanted to prove something or because my energy level went up but in the afternoon I had good results in the Life Drawing class. We had F as model again and we had to draw her in her streetwear, evening wear and in a coat (this was for the texture portion).

Only 3 more weeks to go until I get my Certificates for these two classes. Next would be the Patternmaking and Garment Construction Class and the Fashion Design Class.

In preparation for my Patternmaking and Garment Construction Class, I bought my very first sewing machine - a Bernette 90e. V and I got went to C Sewing Centre and bought it there. They said it normally retailed for AUD799 but they were selling it for AUD499. It looked so easy when the store assistant was demonstrating it but when I got home and tried to use it, I became clueless. I have to call them up and attend one of their classes to be able to use it.=)

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