The highs and lows and inbetweens of a once bored office worker who changed careers and discovered the pains, pricks and passions associated with the billion dollar industry that is fashion. Completed her fashion diploma and now gainfully employed
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Missed my Deadline

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Boris Vallejo
I'm not good with names nor with remembering titles of songs or novels. I tend to remember the bits and pieces, filing them in my head until like an itch that won't be ignored, they force themselves into my consciousness. When I'm watching those game shows like Jeopardy (my all time favourite), they're very useful but when I'm doing work (the really important ones), they do tend to get irritating. It's the feeling you get when you know what something is but you just can't seem to say what it is. But if there's someone who's in the same wavelength as you and tells you what you want to know, it's fun.
That was the case a few minutes ago. I've been attracted to certain works of art. Yes, I enjoy looking at works by Monet and Manet, never liked Picasso, but there are modern artworks that I do find arresting.
I've been a fan of those romantic novel covers, you know, those broad-shouldered muscled men who always seem to be sporting flowing hair and open shirts (Fabio was a favourite of Johanna Lindsay, I think). I liked the fantasyish way they did the covers. Then photography and other digital media came became more popular and those covers dwindled.
But I digress. Again. So, I was watching some of these youtube videos and reading some law-based blog when I suddenly remembered those artworks. I remembered V showing me a similar artwork so I turned to him, distracting him from his day's programming. It was a good thing he understood my vague description and told me the artist's name: Boris Vallejo.
Here's what Wikipedia says about him:
Boris Vallejo (born January 8, 1941 in Lima, Peru) is a Peruvian painter. He emigrated to the United States in 1964, and he currently resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He frequently works with Julie Bell, his wife, painter and model.
Vallejo works almost exclusively in the fantasy and erotica genres. His hyper-representational paintings have graced the covers of dozens of science fiction paperbacks and are featured in a series of best-selling glossy calendars. Subjects of his paintings are typically gods, monsters, and well-muscled male and female barbarians engaged in battle. Some of his male figures were modeled by Vallejo himself, and many of his later female characters were modeled by his wife. His latest works still retain heavy fantasy elements, but lean more towards the erotic rather than pure fantasy themes.
Vallejo commenced painting at the age of thirteen and had his first illustration job at the age of sixteen. After emigrating to the United States in 1964, he quickly garnered a fan following from his illustrations of Tarzan, Conan The Barbarian, Doc Savage and various other fantasy characters. This led to commissions for movie poster illustration, advertisement illustration, and artwork for various collectibles - including Franklin Mint paraphernalia, trading cards and sculpture. Along with Bell, Vallejo presents his artwork in an annual calendar and various books.
Vallejo's preferred artistic medium is oil paint on board, and has previously used digital media to combine discrete images to form composite images. Preparatory works are pencil or ink sketches, which has been displayed in the book Sketchbook. He and Julie Bell have worked on collaborative artworks together, in which they sign the artwork "Boris and Julie" or "Julie and Boris".
Vallejo has created film posters for numerous fantasy and action productions, including Barbarella (1968), Knightriders (1981), Q (1982), and Barbarian Queen (1985). He has also illustrated posters for comedies, notably National Lampoon's Vacation (1983), European Vacation (1985), and Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (2007), co-created with Bell.[1]
Here are samples of his work from his website: http:vallejo.ural.net
I personally prefer his earlier works to the those in the later years.
Love these ones, especially this Vampire Woman
Boris Vallejo, you rock!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finally, the Fashion Show

Models having their hair and make-up done

I didn't even get to see the models walk the runway because I didn't dare leave the rail and I was right not to since the change over was fast. The models rushed back in, out of their clothes, into the new ones, out into the catwalk again. Ewoudt had it tough. Not only did his model have some really quick changes but in one case, he had to undress the model 3 times before the walk. She put on the outfit, rushed out, rushed back because it was inside out, rushed back out again only to be told by Daniel (the designer) that she was wearing the wrong outfit. Ewoudt had to help her out of the clothes, into the right one, then they had to look for safety pin because the jacket won't close. Then Daniel said, disregard the safety pin and just wear a bra. By that time, even Ruby was there helping out. Kudos to the model though, she was still laughing about it. Even when her skin got nipped when they were doing up her dress for the last designer. Poor girl.

Anthea in her first outfit before the madness started
Lovely model in yellow
I had it easy compared to Ewoudt. Anthea was just so calm. She was in and out of clothes even remembering the accessories (which I forgot). And even towards the end when she was already in her street clothes because Melissa said there was no grand finale so I told Anthea it was okay to change, she had to change again because Melissa changed her mind. It was a struggle with the buttons and in the end, I only had them half-way up. But it was fine, her hair hid that part. The other model said no flat out so not all of the models did the grand finale. Couldn't really blame them. Even the male models had already left after their turn was done. But it was fun.

Anthea in her final outfit. Dang buttons.
I had a really fun night. Met new people who were really cool.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pre-fashion show Madness
Monday, I went to school 2 minutes before the appointed hour. Now, I would normally be in whatever places I need to be about 30 minutes (sometimes an hour) before the time but last Monday, my phone arrived. It's not exactly my phone, it's more of a company phone but I'm using it so it's mine. hehehe. To be honest, I was excited before receiving the phone because V kept on praising it. But after I read some reviews, I wasn't that keen on it. Now, I'm not a techy-savvy person. The more user-friendly a device it, the more I appreciate it. When it comes to camera phones, the crisper the image, the better I like it. And that's what I was worried about with the phone. I primarily wanted to use the phone for taking photos of my inspiration as well as taking photos during fashion shows. So after reading from the reviews about all the bells and whistles then reading that the camera wasn't as good as say the N95, I wanted to look at another phone, say, Sony Ericcson. Unfortunately, V already ordered it so I have to stick with this.
Anyway, I digress. So, the phone arrived and it was sleek. And I was starting to like it. So I tinkered with it, played with it a bit. Read the manual a bit then had to dash out to catch the tram. I wasn't late just nearly on time which was uncharacteristic. R who was usually on time if not late was earlier than I was for the 2nd time since I've known her. Teased her about that.

This is not the actual phone that I have. Mine has a Vodaphone tag at the bottom. But, there you have it. My new phone, the Nokie E71.
At first, things were a bit slow. There was only one model. One designer. And two dressers, R and I. The designer (3rd year graduating student) didn't wait for the dresser and started fitting Sally (or was it Sarah? I know it starts with S). Then other models arrived and other dressers arrived. Then it became a bit chaotic. Mel had to some quick changes with the clothes and dressers since some clothes of some designers didn't fit the model or the dresser for a particular model wasn't available that day. I had to dress up Kellie because the appointed dresser wasn't there then my model arrived, Anthea, who was really nice not that Kellie wasn't. So Melissa assigned Kellie to Yusran. Nearly made a boo-boo with the instruction I gave Yusran and he nearly got in trouble but it was fixed and everything was cool.
Juliet dressing Sarah (Sally?)
Anthea was so patient, so were all the other girls. There was swapping of clothes, swapping of designer's range. Some clothes were tricky to put on. I kinda felt sorry for them. They had to undress infront of all these people, girls and guys alike, sometimes just in their undies and wait while the dresser looks for clothes or while a decision was being made. It was a good thing it wasn't cold in the room. Everyone was just matter of fact about it. I finished fitting Anthea, she only had 5 outfits to put on, thank goodness, unlike the other girls who had to put on 7 or 8 outfits, some would even be quick changes.

Anthea who gamely posed for me. This is one of the dresses she'll be wearing during the parade. I forgot who the dress belongs to but will find out tonight to credit the designer.

I think this dress is Maja Mueller but I'm not sure. Will double check as well.
In a way, I like the buzz. I liked the activity. I liked helping out and feeling like I'm part of something. I didn't mind being one of Mel's go-to-girl because I was able to catch a glimpse of how to put on a fashion show. This was just a graduation show but there were a lot of things that needed to be done (kinda like staging a production or a theater show now that I think of it). Imagine how much more chaotic it would be at a professional level with hairstylists, shoe stylists, make-up artists, photographers, production people mingling, shouting, where mistakes mean money or lost account. Hmmm...sounds nice.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Done with 1st year
So, today, I went to school supposedly for fitting. I volunteered as a dresser for the school's graduation fashion parade on the 17th. The model I was supposed to fit wasn't scheduled to come in til Monday so I helped around instead. The clothes made by the 3rd years were really good. I wasn't able to take photos because I didn't bring a camera but I will on Monday. Sneak peak. hehehe
I'm really looking forward to the event, it will be held at the Crown Palladium this year. This will give me the experience and confidence (I hope) to be a dresser when I start working with PP.