Models having their hair and make-up done

I didn't even get to see the models walk the runway because I didn't dare leave the rail and I was right not to since the change over was fast. The models rushed back in, out of their clothes, into the new ones, out into the catwalk again. Ewoudt had it tough. Not only did his model have some really quick changes but in one case, he had to undress the model 3 times before the walk. She put on the outfit, rushed out, rushed back because it was inside out, rushed back out again only to be told by Daniel (the designer) that she was wearing the wrong outfit. Ewoudt had to help her out of the clothes, into the right one, then they had to look for safety pin because the jacket won't close. Then Daniel said, disregard the safety pin and just wear a bra. By that time, even Ruby was there helping out. Kudos to the model though, she was still laughing about it. Even when her skin got nipped when they were doing up her dress for the last designer. Poor girl.

Anthea in her first outfit before the madness started
Lovely model in yellow
I had it easy compared to Ewoudt. Anthea was just so calm. She was in and out of clothes even remembering the accessories (which I forgot). And even towards the end when she was already in her street clothes because Melissa said there was no grand finale so I told Anthea it was okay to change, she had to change again because Melissa changed her mind. It was a struggle with the buttons and in the end, I only had them half-way up. But it was fine, her hair hid that part. The other model said no flat out so not all of the models did the grand finale. Couldn't really blame them. Even the male models had already left after their turn was done. But it was fun.

Anthea in her final outfit. Dang buttons.
I had a really fun night. Met new people who were really cool.

it really does sound exciting. have you ever read `fashion babaylon`? your blog sounds like the book.
i think models sometimes have very unglamorous lives, as compared to the lives we perceive them to have
i just noticed the photos haven't been uploaded. will fix that soon
whoops. deleted the original comment.
nope, haven't read it although i probably should. i heard about it but didn't really paid attention.
yep, modeling is hard. models have it tough. sometimes, they're treated well. sometimes, they're not. sometimes, they're treated like walking hangers. sometimes, they are snotty. sometimes, they just seem to live this exciting life.
it's similar to the fashion industry. my teachers have been doing their darndest (to borrow that old tv series' word) to disabuse us of the notion that the fashion industry is a glamorous world.
some of my classmates are still starry-eyed though but i take it with a grain of salt. while innate talent gives you a foot in the door, hard work keeps you there. then there's also a matter of miracles. =)
i think that most jobs are glamourised... i think that if you dont actually do it yourself, then you dont know what it entails! like UN aid workers - the movies have made it seem like a hotbed of romance and soul saving good deeds
the same with the fashion industry! its hard work dude!
hey you...
am glad you're "expanding your network" over there na, like we were talking about before. glad to see you're having a grand time! :)
sarah: too true.
hey, i seem to remember in one of your posts that lived in south africa? nici and ewoudt, lovely souls they are, are also from south africa. is there something in the water there that makes people so nice? =)
oh, wait! am i confusing you with someone else? uh-oh
ei jeng: kinda. doing it slowly though.
yes yes! i am south african - born and raised, but i live in japan now. have been there for the last year and a half and will probably be there for a while longer!
(right now i am in KOREA! yay! but i have a small case of insomnia and so am at the computer in the business centre in our hotel)
south africans are an interesting bunch! but so are you aussies! (except for shane warne, naturally hee hee!)
You're a Cricket fan!
and before you say anything, nope I'm not. I can't understand it. Then again, I can't understand Aussie Footy and Rugby either.
Give me volleyball, basketball, baseball, ice skating, dance competition and wushu and I'll be happy to sit ringside or even infront of a tv for hours. hehehe
Re Aussies, they sure are interesting. Most that I've met that is, lovely and wonderful. They sure love to party!
I can't say I'm an Aussie yet as I'm still in the process of adapting. =P I've been living here for nearly 3 years now (I'm originally from the Philippines) and I'm learning a lot each day.
Now, Japan....ahh. That is the country of my dreams. I've been dreaming of it, reading about it, and have been planning for ages to visit it. Lucky, lucky you. =)
Enjoy Korea! Have a Happy New Year!
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