Monday, I went to school 2 minutes before the appointed hour. Now, I would normally be in whatever places I need to be about 30 minutes (sometimes an hour) before the time but last Monday, my phone arrived. It's not exactly my phone, it's more of a company phone but I'm using it so it's mine. hehehe. To be honest, I was excited before receiving the phone because V kept on praising it. But after I read some reviews, I wasn't that keen on it. Now, I'm not a techy-savvy person. The more user-friendly a device it, the more I appreciate it. When it comes to camera phones, the crisper the image, the better I like it. And that's what I was worried about with the phone. I primarily wanted to use the phone for taking photos of my inspiration as well as taking photos during fashion shows. So after reading from the reviews about all the bells and whistles then reading that the camera wasn't as good as say the N95, I wanted to look at another phone, say, Sony Ericcson. Unfortunately, V already ordered it so I have to stick with this.
Anyway, I digress. So, the phone arrived and it was sleek. And I was starting to like it. So I tinkered with it, played with it a bit. Read the manual a bit then had to dash out to catch the tram. I wasn't late just nearly on time which was uncharacteristic. R who was usually on time if not late was earlier than I was for the 2nd time since I've known her. Teased her about that.

This is not the actual phone that I have. Mine has a Vodaphone tag at the bottom. But, there you have it. My new phone, the Nokie E71.
At first, things were a bit slow. There was only one model. One designer. And two dressers, R and I. The designer (3rd year graduating student) didn't wait for the dresser and started fitting Sally (or was it Sarah? I know it starts with S). Then other models arrived and other dressers arrived. Then it became a bit chaotic. Mel had to some quick changes with the clothes and dressers since some clothes of some designers didn't fit the model or the dresser for a particular model wasn't available that day. I had to dress up Kellie because the appointed dresser wasn't there then my model arrived, Anthea, who was really nice not that Kellie wasn't. So Melissa assigned Kellie to Yusran. Nearly made a boo-boo with the instruction I gave Yusran and he nearly got in trouble but it was fixed and everything was cool.
Juliet dressing Sarah (Sally?)
Anthea was so patient, so were all the other girls. There was swapping of clothes, swapping of designer's range. Some clothes were tricky to put on. I kinda felt sorry for them. They had to undress infront of all these people, girls and guys alike, sometimes just in their undies and wait while the dresser looks for clothes or while a decision was being made. It was a good thing it wasn't cold in the room. Everyone was just matter of fact about it. I finished fitting Anthea, she only had 5 outfits to put on, thank goodness, unlike the other girls who had to put on 7 or 8 outfits, some would even be quick changes.

Anthea who gamely posed for me. This is one of the dresses she'll be wearing during the parade. I forgot who the dress belongs to but will find out tonight to credit the designer.

I think this dress is Maja Mueller but I'm not sure. Will double check as well.
In a way, I like the buzz. I liked the activity. I liked helping out and feeling like I'm part of something. I didn't mind being one of Mel's go-to-girl because I was able to catch a glimpse of how to put on a fashion show. This was just a graduation show but there were a lot of things that needed to be done (kinda like staging a production or a theater show now that I think of it). Imagine how much more chaotic it would be at a professional level with hairstylists, shoe stylists, make-up artists, photographers, production people mingling, shouting, where mistakes mean money or lost account. Hmmm...sounds nice.
i really like the white dress. although i could never wear one... i spill things. woe is me on my wedding day!
what kind of things do you like to design?
i liked the white dress too! that was actually the dress i struggled buttoning up during the show.
so many tiny buttons!!!
hey, i spill things a lot too which is why i tend to steer clear of white clothes but sometimes i can't resist. so i just wear them when i know there won't be a risk of getting them dirty. hehehe
at the moment, i'm still trying to find my way. i was told, not unkindly, that i need to expand my horizon as i play it too safe (ie. compared to others, i'm not creative enough. bohoohoo).
but in general, i'd like to design clothes for ladies in the 25-35 department. that means i need to research the market. reasearch. research. research. sigh. =P
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