Saturday, July 18, 2009

One project done

Jacket is done and I got a 90 for it, too. Whohoo. First time I got something over 9 this year, and in styling and couture class at that. The skirt was not up to par though. 

Still dyeing my silk. I've discarded 3 already since I wasn't satisfied with the outcome. Right now, I'm waiting for the last one to dry before painting on it. I even bought a 40"x40" canvass to use a silk canvass. 

I haven't done anything for Design Class which isn't good. I have to finish the range plan because that always takes me awhile to finish. In class, I need to do my knitting. M wanted me to do fully-fashioned garments so I had to do a bit of calculations. And recalculations. Makes me want to buy a knitting machine but that's just way out of the budget right now, especially since I have to spend a whole lot on the upcoming project in styling and couture class.

Yep, it's the dreaded ballgown. We have to present 3 designs to a panel this Wednesday. The designs have to be backed by research and must contain either a corset or petticoat or both and must have embellishments. I've already calculated how much it would cost me and it would reach about AUD500 or AUD 600 just for the main fabric. That still does not include the tulle or the other materials (i.e. boning, lining, trims, etc). Sigh.


sarah said...

omg a ballgown... that just screams detail and intricacy.

is it your first ballgown?

i`ll bet it wil be gorgeous

Driven said...

ooh, yes. Details and intricacy are the words to be used in this case.

yep, it will be my first ballgown. i hope i'll be able to do it well.=)