Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lingerie Project Update

It's 1:26 in the morning. I'm taking a break from  drawing since my hands were getting tired and stiff from all that drawing.

I finished sewing the garments, but I still need to do a bit of cleaning up. However, half of the requirement is done. Now, I just need to finish the range book. This should've been done loooong ago when I was still relaxed and didn't have much to do. Unfortunately, I was plain lazy and now am suffering the consequences.

For the past two weeks of what was supposed to be a school holiday, I, along with a small group have been going to school as early as 9 in the morning and leaving at 8.30 in the evening sewing, overlocking, babylocking, threading overlockers. By the second week, too many late nights have caught up with us and we started belting out old (Tom Jones old) songs just to amuse ourselves.

Seriously, too many late nights are not good for my skin. I easily get dark circles under my eyes and I tend to resemble a raccoon minus the fur. I don't have break outs yet but I'm not looking forward to having them. 

Okay, break over. Back to work.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It's supposed to be a two-week break but there's no break for me and those who are still not done with the lingerie/swimwear project. After weeks of draping and correcting patterns, I have not yet perfected a single pattern. I tried to wing it by not doing a sample but that ended in disaster. Lesson learned: don't wing it.

After a private class with V, I think I'm on the right track. I hope to at least finish two things this week so I could concentrate on other things, dyeing for textiles and doing the catalogue for the designs.  Sigh. 

Tomorrow's another day in school. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

On to the next project

After the corset comes the jacket. I've finished the design and I'm liking it. Kind of. If I manage to make it good, I'd probably even enter it into the wool awards. Must look for red wool and red cashmere. 

For the lingerie project, I'm feeling a bit frustrated since I don't think I'm making headways in my bra pattern. Such a tiny thing but it just makes me scream. I've revised the patterns 6 times already and it's still nowhere near fitting as I want it to be. sigh.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Corsets! Corsets! Corsets!

We handed in our corsets today. I was glad to finish my mine, just the binding actually, at 12.45 in the morning. That gave me 5 hours of shut eye. My classmates weren't so fortunate. Due to the intricate designs they've made, some had to keep working at their corsets until past the due time which was at 2 in the afternoon. T, our lecturer, wasn't bothered by it. He was happy at the work done by the class and he was even complimented by M, the principal of the school. She said the works this year was much better than last year. Yey!

So here are the corsets. Forgot to bring my camera so had to do with my mobile phone.

My corset inner layer

My corset with outer layer

Eileen's corset. She stitched all those designs herself, to get the effect she saw at Clegs.

I think this is Kirsty's

Viviana's corset