Thursday, February 26, 2009


After visiting the Ghibli Museum, we decided to go to Shinjuku.

According to Lonely Planet, it is the place to go to to experience modern Japan in all it's screaming neon glory. And they were right. Coming out of the station, even with the grey sky and slight drizzle, the neon lights and mass of humanity give the place a buzz.

I had a hard time concentrating since my eyes were constantly drawn up to the large electonic screens and beautifully presented window displays as well as to the very chic-ly dressed people I was meeting on the street. I managed to take some pictures, taken from the back most of the time as I didn't have enough courage to ask them to pose for me. Had it been the Sartorialist, he probably wouldn't have had any qualms taking their photos. sigh.

But it was great. Ginza just didn't compare to Shinjuku and I was actually expecting to see more well-dressed people in Ginza. I did see a lot of kimono-clad ladies in Ginza so that was another visual feast.

Photos to be uploaded later.



sarah said...

i adore shinjuku

will always have a bit of a soft spot for ginza because in japan, everything closes on new years day... and i mean EVERYTHING. there wasnt a person in sight in Tokyo and in Ginza, we managed to find some life. and it made me happy

sarah said...

so... how was the rest of your trip ?!?

Driven said...

hullo. hullo. haven't finished uploading the photos but it was great!!!!! loved looking at people

i already miss miso. =(

wished my budget wasn't so tight or would've been able to enjoy all the sale going on. =P

going on a trip again, actually will be leaving for the airport in a few minutes, so will blog about everything when i came back.

for the non-fashion side of the trip, check out my other blog,
