Friday, March 18, 2011

School Work

Two words that can mean one thing but also two separate things. Words that dominate my life at the moment. Not that I'm complaining.

School started two weeks ago and so far I'm feeling positive about my lecturers. Sure, the rooms are small, much smaller than the previous rooms we have in the other building. The promised "small size" classes weren't really small as there were 19 of us in a room. Not good when everybody's going to be doing their graduation collection.

So far though, our lecturers have been very helpful and very methodical. =)


Today, I had to redo my bodice blocks to fit the mannequin. Finally, I learned how to properly transfer the calico design onto my block and alter the blocks. I'm slow but I finally get it. My sewing has improved as well though I still need to mark the stitch lines to serve as my guide.

Best thing is, I found a McDonald's outlet that had a McCafe that serves pastries for $1.95! Amazing. Now, I can have my sugar fill whenever I'm at school. Not good for the health but good for my psyche. =)

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