Friday, January 23, 2009

Jill Biden's Inaugural Attire

While most eyes were on the First Lady (of the US) that day, mine was immediately captivated by the lady in the red coat. I immediately thought, "Who is that stylish lady in red?" Later, I found out that she was Jill Biden, the Vice-President's wife.

I like red. When I see a piece of clothing in red, my eyes follow it.

There were those who didn't share my admiration for her outfit though. Some slammed her "Fleurette coat, plaid Milly dress and tall black boots" as inappropriate for her age and for the event. Some even said, she was trying to outshine Michelle Obama. I wouldn't know about the last one. Based on photos I've seen online prior to the inauguration, Jill Biden had her own sense of style.

Anyway, this was the photo that had some people applauding Jill Biden and others shaking their head and slamming her.

Photo from E Online

If I were to describe Jill Biden's style, it would be classic with a bit of youthfulness in it. Just because she's old does it mean she has to dress dowdily.

Here's another photo I got courtesy of Associated Press.

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