Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Met my Deadline (Barely)!

Happy. So happy. My head aches but I don't care. I'm still happy.
I finally finished and emailed my childrenswear designs as of 4.32 PM Australian time today. I'm not sure if M received it though. I intentionally copy pasted all the designs to MS Word since Adobe Photoshop was frustrating me and Paint Shop Pro was no better. In the end, I converted all the JPEG files to GIF and used PAINT (to use the bucket fill tool). After checking that everything was okay, descriptions of the clothes, colour way, prints, etc., I sent off the email only to find to my horror (dramatic effect) that the size of the email was 5MB!
I sent a text message to M's phone but I didn't receive any reply. If she sends me a message later that she didn't get my email, I'll send the designs separately.
Sarah: Hullo, glad to know you enjoyed your Korean vacation. I'll have to seriously think about posting my designs since they're really not that good, according to my teachers no less bohoohooohooo. Pfft! Yeah, yeah. Self-pity doesn't befit me. I'll look through the piles of drawings I've made and will post some of them later. =)

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