Thursday, April 16, 2009

In class

Thought I might sneek in a bit of blogging since we're not doing much in CAD class. I've done my marking (placing the patterns on fabric via StyleCAD to get the best possible yield) and still thinking about what borders to use on my fashion design research journal.

Corset is coming along nicely, fingers crossed. Still haven't posted the photos though I promised I would. It was a bit of a learning curve though. First, I learned the hard way not to use patterned fabrics if I don't have the patience to match them, second, using silk satin is haaaard, unless you use backing paper (or baking paper as a classmate suggested) to hold the fabric in place, third, there are always solutions to the problems especially when your lecturer is keeping a close tab on your progress. Solution for the first? Change the fabric to silk dupion. Expensive but less time consuming.

For fashion design, we need to do production notes for 12 designs so I'll be doing that over the weekend.

Lunch time now so logging off. =)

1 comment:

sarah said...

i would love to see pictures! this is an industry i know nothing at all about! its interesting! teach me! :)

and yes, i am afraid, its a little like a reality show!! but only because i know so very little!!!!

sorry! gomen nasai!