Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lingerie Project Update

It's 1:26 in the morning. I'm taking a break from  drawing since my hands were getting tired and stiff from all that drawing.

I finished sewing the garments, but I still need to do a bit of cleaning up. However, half of the requirement is done. Now, I just need to finish the range book. This should've been done loooong ago when I was still relaxed and didn't have much to do. Unfortunately, I was plain lazy and now am suffering the consequences.

For the past two weeks of what was supposed to be a school holiday, I, along with a small group have been going to school as early as 9 in the morning and leaving at 8.30 in the evening sewing, overlocking, babylocking, threading overlockers. By the second week, too many late nights have caught up with us and we started belting out old (Tom Jones old) songs just to amuse ourselves.

Seriously, too many late nights are not good for my skin. I easily get dark circles under my eyes and I tend to resemble a raccoon minus the fur. I don't have break outs yet but I'm not looking forward to having them. 

Okay, break over. Back to work.


sarah said...

oh you poor thing.

but at the same time, i think - wow!!! you are so driven (ahahahaaaa pun sorry) and you are going to create something amazing!

i envy your ability to work so well

Driven said...

It wasn't amazing. =( so I'm not posting the photo.

I have realized that I am not a lingerie maker. sigh. would've been awesome though. but those darn bras just won't curve nicely over the mannequin boobs. =P